Privacy Statement

This privacy statement describes how personal information is used in the game Outlive.

1) Who is behind the game?

The long game initiative (Laura and Matias). You can contact us with this feedback form.

2) Types of personal data we process

Playing the game online does not store any of your data. There are no trackers. We don't even use cookies.

However, if you choose to subscribe to change of rank notifications, we store following personal data:

3) Lawful basis for processing personal data.

We store and process your data for the following purposes:

4) Are we transferring or sharing the data with 3rd parties?

Never., including data storage and emails, is based on Microsoft's Azure services. We use the data center in Netherlands, Europe. View their legal information here.

5) How long will we keep your data?

That is a really good question.Basically, we keep your data until you reach the age of 105, beating the current record of pope Agatho and winning the game; or until you die and your next of kin unsubscribes you; or you unsubscribe from receiving notifications. Another possibility is to keep the data until we die or retire or stop the game because it is not fun anymore or we run out of players. We may send you a notice when we stop the game and remove all player data.

Yet another possibility is that Microsoft deprecates Azure Functions and we don't bother migrating the site to another platform.

6) Your data rights and how they are supported

You have following rights to your data:

Right to be informed

Organisations must tell individuals what data is being collected, how it's being used, how long it will be kept and whether it will be shared with any third parties.
How do we support this: That is what this document is for.

Right of access

Individuals have the right to request a copy of the information that an organisation holds on them.
How do we support this: you can order a copy of the data to the same email address you used to register using the form at the bottom of this page.

Right of rectification

Individuals can correct inaccurate or incomplete data.
How do we support this: You can unsubscribe using the link in each email we send (which deletes your data) and then re-register immediately with any amended data.

Right to be forgotten

In certain circumstances, individuals can ask organisations to erase any personal data they've stored.
How do we support this: Use the unsubscribe link in any email we send. This will delete your data. If you are certain you have subscribed, but cannot find any messages from us, use the form at the bottom of this page to receive one with an unsubscribe link.

Right of portability

In some circumstances, individuals can request that an organisation transfer any data that it holds on them to another company.
How do we support this: You can order a copy of the data in a technical, portable format to the same email address you used to register using the form at the bottom of this page.

Right to restrict processing

In some circumstances, individuals can request that an organisation limits its use of personal data.
How do we support this: The game cannot be played without the data so this is basically the same as removing your data from the game. Use the unsubscribe link in any emails we send.

Right to object

Right to object: Individuals have the right to challenge certain types of processing, such as direct marketing.
How do we support this: The data is only used for the game, so you can always say no to that, but that is the same as removing your data.

Rights related to automated decision making, including profiling

Under most circumstances, individuals have the right to object to having decisions made about them by automated processes or profiling.
How do we support this: The game is using your age to define your rank, so we are kind of profiling you and think it is pretty cool, if you make it to the top 50. If you think we should not be doing so, use the unsubscribe link included in any email we send to remove your data.

Data request

Please enter your email address to request the personal data we may have. We will include the data in both human-readable and technical format.

Sending request...
Request failed. Please check the email address.
Thank you! If we know of that email address, we sent a copy of the data associated with it.